
One of China’s most popular social media platforms, a high percentage of users check in daily. Weibo’s social media platform invites its users to share, disseminate and receive information through its website or mobile app.  Users can upload public photos and video for instant sharing, and texted comments, pictures, videos and multimedia instant messaging service connects users.

The platform has more than 500 registered users attracted to its content publishing, forwarding, following, commenting and search features. Upwards of 57 per cent are part of China’s microblogging communities, and 87 per cent based on browsing time over some other social media platforms..


One of China’s most popular social media platforms, a high percentage of users check in daily. Weibo’s social media platform invites its users to share, disseminate and receive information through its website or mobile app.  Users can upload public photos and video for instant sharing, and texted comments, pictures, videos and multimedia instant messaging service connects users.

The platform has more than 500 registered users attracted to its content publishing, forwarding, following, commenting and search features. Upwards of 57 per cent are part of China’s microblogging communities, and 87 per cent based on browsing time over some other social media platforms..


